Wednesday, May 25, 2005

I hate it!!!!!!!!

I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I have declared thrice. Will this bring happiness for me? Some times when we do the things don’t work and works fine for others. Our pockets are empty without reasons to throw on their face. I had prepared a setup and tried workout. Alas! It is a core-dump (or core-dung). Raised all the possible alarms seeking help and a saviour jumped in like a super hero. He did exactly what I did and it worked. Why? Why? Why? And still it is not working in my setup. The saviour is doing troubleshooting. In other words fault finding.


மாதங்கி said...

Reg- I hate it- You have brought it out well.

You can translate your story 'iravil vantha poornima into English and post in this blog or send it to The Hindu- Short story section. Such stories must be read by all.

Qur`ans to fire in Finland and in Danmark said...


We testify that qurans burned very well in Finland in this weekend

We are going to burn more FILTHY qurans in next week as a western support to freedom of speech.

We have already burn few qurans in Finland in this weekend as a support to Denmark

Finnishe media has sensored those pictures, which they took about these burnings.

Finnische freiwillige waffen-SS

und andere Finnische men mit

Unser Fuhrer Seppo Lehto Tampere - Finnland

தருமி said...

i dont get: 1. what do you hate!! :-) ; 2.what's 'rivendel'?

டிபிஆர்.ஜோசப் said...

Hi Ragh?

Welcom! Why didn't you inform me that you've started this blog?

Good.. keep going:-)

G.Ragavan said...

// i dont get: 1. what do you hate!! :-) ; 2.what's 'rivendel'? //

sam..answers below..

1. when we do the things don’t work and works fine for others

2. as per the Lord of the rings book, ivendel is the place where the elfs are living...such a wonderful place it is.

G.Ragavan said...

// iiiiiiiiikjaaaaaktly.......

So, now u know what to do. Dnt waste ur time when stuck, just spot the right person to fix it ;-) //

yes s. welcome to rivendel. I am very happy to see ur comment here.

Actually i am really doing what u hv suggested. :-) and u know y.

G.Ragavan said...

// Hi Ragh?

Welcom! Why didn't you inform me that you've started this blog?

Good.. keep going:-) //

Hello Joseph r u doing?

But I really wanted to give a surprise. That is it. :-)

டிபிஆர்.ஜோசப் said...

Hello Joseph r u doing?//

Fine, thankyou.

But I really wanted to give a surprise.//

Good. But Post at least once a week. All the best.