Saturday, April 15, 2006

Scary House

It was early in the office-morning when I received a mail from my friend who lives in Noida, asking about the Scary House. I had been to scary house with friends. It is in Garuda Mall located in the centre of Bangalore city attracting big crowds everyday.

It is just a scary house to scare whom so ever enter that, but very pathetic.
There is a similar house available in Paris Disney Land, but called phantom manor with a size of a mini castle. Obviously Disney is a magnum opus and I enjoyed the Phantom Manor.

I would have enjoyed even Scary House except the fact that they have arranged something to touch our face and body. I didn’t like that part. Otherwise it is scaring enough. In Phantom Manor nothing falls, jumps, touches on you. Still it makes chilly. Here suddenly somebody jumps on you. I was scared but didn’t enjoy.

There are several fantasy plus amusement experiences ready for interested scary lovers. There are some samples below for you all who haven’t been there.

There is a ride with single seat compartments that takes through very scary scenes and shows. We can see everything around us, even the people in the adjacent compartments. Suddenly at points all the compartments turn to one side where the wall is not seen rather a long mirror and we might scream at the sight of it. That is because we will see a ghost sitting just above our head in the compartment. But by turning around we can’t see anything in the compartment.

I was fantastic when I experienced it. The door suddenly closes when we enter a particular room (yea but not alone). And then we just feel the entire room trembling and then our knees with fear. So many other things too... I want to go there once again to get scared and enjoy.
